2010 L.I.F.E Scholarship Recipients

Tammy Cochenour

“Lupus does not define who I am. It is not me. Lupus is the enemy that has invaded my territory and seeks to devour what is mine...I declare victory over my enemy!"


Amanda Cypher

“I am beginning to understand the importance of being present in the moment, rather than worrying about the future or past events, as well as the importance of accepting my illness and recognizing that having lupus is another "chapter" in the story of my life." 


Lauren Howell, California Polytechnic State University

"I will work hard to achieve each of my dreams, but I have no way of predicting how Lupus will play into reality or when the wolf will reappear. And this is how Lupus has most incredibly affected my life: in preventing me from promising myself that each of these dreams will come true."


Jennifer Konick

“By realizing the value and delicacy of life, I suddenly began to get more out of every single day, finding joy in everything I did.” 


Marta Parys

"Also, being more aware now that anything can happen in life, I treasure every moment and love everything around me."


John Truong

"Lupus gave me two choices in life. One was to be pessimistic. The other was to do something about it. I chose the latter."


Kristin Walsh

"I know what it is to be endlessly grateful for "good days" and for the friends and family who have journeyed with me through this. I know I will be a better doctor because I have lupus."